9 Places To Avoid Putting Your Phone
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9 Places To Avoid Putting Your Phone

It is practically impossible to find someone without a cell phone. They are practically always with us, whether in the bathroom or in bed. Few people realize that storing the phone in some places can damage the device and, what’s worse, endanger your health and limbs.

1. In the back pocket

Some drawbacks of storing your phone in your back pocket are that touchscreens react to objects other than your fingers and it’s easy to lose track of your pocket and accidentally break it.

2. Front pocket

Since most men don’t carry bags, it is more practical to store their phone in the front pockets. However, this can affect your health. Studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation negatively affects sperm quality and quantity, and the more time you spend in your pocket, the greater the risk.

3. bra

There is still no consensus on whether telephone radiation can cause cancer. In contrast, some scientists believe that holding your phone in your bra increases the risk of breast cancer.

4. Around the hips

Wearing the phone close to the thigh, according to some studies, weakens the hip bones.

5. Very close to the skin

Keep your mobile phone away from your face as much as possible. When you do this, microorganisms on the device’s screen and buttons are transferred to your skin, bringing electromagnetic radiation closer to you. When making a phone call, it is best to keep the device 0.5-1.5 cm from your skin.

6. In the charger

We are talking about the durability and quality of the device here, and it is worth reiterating that it is not a good idea to charge the phone overnight. This can shorten the life of the device and battery and reduce their efficiency.

7. Very Cold Places

If it is cold outside and the temperature is below freezing, protect your device by not leaving it on the street or in the car for a long time, as the temperature difference can damage it. When you leave the cold environment and enter a warm environment, condensation occurs, which can damage the internal characteristics of the cell.

8. Very hot places

They are also particularly harmful to cells due to high temperatures. Do not leave the appliance in the car or on the beach and keep it away from the oven in the house.

9. Under the pillow

There are a number of reasons why you should not put your phone under your pillow, some of which include that when notifications appear, the screen lights up at night. The production of melatonin is influenced by this light stimulus, which can contribute to sleeping problems. Electromagnetic radiation causes headaches and dizziness after prolonged exposure.