3 Things Men Can Do To Improve Their Sperm Quality
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3 Things Men Can Do To Improve Their Sperm Quality

Infertility is a major problem in our society. When the subject of infertility comes up, many people point the finger of blame at women and tend to ignore men. For a woman to become pregnant and have children, a man must be involved. Therefore, men should not be disregarded.

About 33 percent of infertility problems in a couple are caused by men; And one of the leading cases of male infertility is low sperm count. When the quality and quantity of a man’s sperm is low, he usually has a low sperm count. Fortunately, there are some things a man can eat to help improve the quality and quantity of his sperm and some of them are:

1. Eggs

Eggs are not only good when it comes to improving a man’s sperm count, but they can also help maintain his overall health. Studies have shown that eggs help improve a man’s sperm motility and also protect them from harmful free radicals. Eggs are packed with protein and other nutrients necessary for the production of healthy threads and sperm.

2. Bananas

Bananas are not only tasty, they are also a sperm stimulant. The vitamins and minerals in bananas help the body produce strong and healthy sperm. They also contain an important enzyme called “bromelain”, which is also known to help improve sperm quality and quantity.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts and many other nuts in general are a good source of protein and healthy fats. Healthy fats are necessary for the production of sperm, so eating nuts is recommended if you want to improve the quality of your sperm.